How to Get Involved

Faith Lutheran Church has many groups and committees to get involved with! Browse the groups and their roles below.

Choir and Tone Chimes

  • Meets weekly for rehearsals August through May

  • Enhances worship services regularly throughout the year

  • Christmas caroling to shut ins and nursing homes

  • Tone chimes are included on festive occasions

  • Fun fellowship within the group

Council Bluffs Chapter of Operation Barnabas 

  • Council Bluffs Branch – Meets at Faith 2nd Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m.

  • Supporting active and former U.S. service members and families and military veterans

  • Coordinate with veterans organizations and U.S. Veterans Affairs

  • Helps serve free breakfast at local HyVee stores on Veterans Day

  • Coordinates special Armed Forces Day and Veterans Day worship activities and observances

Education Committee

  • Plans Sunday school curriculum and assigns teachers

  • Plans and implements Vacation Bible School

  • Plans and implements special activities like Easter Egg Event and Rally Day.

  • Plans and organizes children’s Christmas Service.

Faith Prayer Sisters

  • Organized to promote prayer

  • Holds annual Prayer Sister Luncheon

  • Coordinates ongoing prayer relationships between “Secret Sisters”

Horseshoe League

  • Organizes teams for a horseshoe league

  • Meets during summer months as scheduled

  • Horseshoe court is located near the playground area behind the church

  • Open to everyone

Life Ministry

  • Maintains church website

  • Coordinates Sunday worship greeters

  • Coordinates and plans Faith’s annual picnic

  • Organizes annual Truck-or-Treat event

  • Seeks to identify and implement local outreach projects

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)

  • Meet 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Faith Fellowship Hall

  • Contemporary Bible study with Pastor Ron

  • Focus on missions – local and international

  • Sewing Sisters sew quilts for World Relief and Human Care

  • All women are welcome for fellowship and friendship

  • Coordinates Women of Faith bake sales

Mission Ministry

  • Conducts local and District mission projects

  • Organizes local helpers for preparing Mercy Meals

  • Coordinates collections of needed items for local homeless shelters

  • Collects winter coats, hats and mittens for local elementary school children

  • Coordinates guest speakers and hosting visiting missionaries

Praise Team

  • Leads the congregation in contemporary praise music the 2nd Sunday each month

  • Musicians and vocalists welcome to join

  • Enthusiasm encouraged

  • All to praise the Lord!

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

  • 9:30 a.m. each Tuesday morning in Faith Fellowship Hall

  • Adult Bible study and fellowship

  • Open to everyone

Worship Committee

  • Maintains later paraments and changes alter for seasons of the church year

  • Set up and takes down Holy Communion and song boards

  • Monitors and orders communion supplies as needed

  • Organizes Christmas decorating and decorating for other church festivals

  • Maintains and displays various banners and special wall hangings

  • Maintains visitor sign-in sheets and prayer request supplies

  • Organizes and administers flower donation chart and other worship related activities

Youth Committee

  • Supports Faith's Youth Group

  • Organizing bowling events, rock-a-thons and other fun activities

  • Coordinates Youth fund raisers

  • Works with Youth Group members to attend District and National Youth Gatherings