
Receiving Holy Baptism

(Please refer to the Our Beliefs page to read Faith Lutheran’s full stance on Holy Baptism)

What is Baptism? Baptism is not just plain water, but it is water included in God's command and combined with God's Word. Martin Luther

Baptism, like Holy Communion is a sacred act, set apart by God's command [Matthew 28:18]. The Lutheran Church has historically held in high regard all the Words of the Sacred Scriptures concerning baptism.  Those who say, baptism is a symbolic act that should be done in a certain way, have taken God's grace-filled New Covenant and have turned it into prescribed law, like the Pharisees in our Lord's day.

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) believes in infant baptism and also welcomes others to be baptized and join God’s family of believers. Please contact Pastor Ron for more information about baptism.